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STAYCATIONS: 5 ways TO embrace YOUR next holiday AT home

Updated: 02/22/19 | February 22nd, 2019

There always seems to be a new term entering the travel lexicon: traveler, tourist, flashpacker, voluntourism…the list goes on.

And I get it.

People always like to define something (especially fellow travelers). I guess giving something a name means you feel like you understand it. and the latest word that seems to be catching on is “staycation”.

Okay, the word has been around for a while but when my pals on Facebook tell me they are taking a “staycation,” that’s when I know the word has gone mainstream.

A “staycation” is officially defined (by me) as staying home while taking time off from work in lieu of going overseas or to some different locality.

There are many travel words I am a fan of but “staycation” is not one of them. It’s a way for people to convince themselves they are doing something when they are really just staying home from work — a little mental maneuver to convince them they are on holiday.

But a holiday (vacation) is when you leave the comfort of your house and go somewhere. It doesn’t need to be someplace far and your trip doesn’t need to last a long time. You can go on vacation to Europe or the next town over for two days. Take a weekend out in the woods. All you need to do is something different than your normal routine.

Staying home from work for a week is not a vacation — it’s staying home from work for a week. Moreover, staying home might tempt you to check your work e-mail or fall into stressful habits that don’t let you get one of the terrific benefits of a vacation: time to relax!

Yet since a vacation is so prized by people, people have designated this stay-at-home activity as something special. You already know how I feel, but if you are intent on having a “staycation,” there are a number of things you can do to mix things up while staying at home:

1. Volunteer – break out of the norm and go help others with your time. There are many people who need help right now — including people in your own community. responsible volunteering is a terrific way to connect with people from different backgrounds and experiences while giving back to your community.

Not sure where to start? begin with your interests. Mitä tykkäät tehdä? Is there some way you can incorporate that into your volunteering. For example, if you enjoy playing chess or art or sports you can try volunteering at an after-school program. If you enjoy running or outdoor activities, see if there is a group that does park or trail maintenance/litter cleanups. Food banks are another common place that almost always needs volunteer help, and there is one in every community.

There is no shortage of people and organizations that need help. All you need to do is take that first step!

2. learn a new skill – Take a cooking class, learn yoga, or learn how to build desks. learn how to build a travel blog. A vacation doesn’t have to be about going somewhere. You can learn something new. If you are going to stay at home, then stay home and do something.

A terrific place to start is to check platforms like meetup.com or Couchsurfing for events, workshops, or local clubs. See if there is anything offered that sounds interesting and then just dive in!

3. Take a roadtrip – If you have a lot of time off work, you should go out and do something. remember travel doesn’t have to be to some exotic place — it can happen right in your own hometown. Go take a few days to explore your area. learning something new about your hometown can be just as good as getting on a plane to go somewhere.

Want to make it even more exciting? find some other travelers to join you! meeting and traveling with complete strangers is par for the course when you’re backpacking. Why not try doing the same at home. use Couchsurfing or online travel groups like The Nomadic Network to find people in your area who want to do an impromptu road trip. It’s a terrific way to add some excitement to your trip and make it much more interesting. Plus, you can split the cost to save yourself some money. double win!

4. set a goal – try to do something different each day to keep things interesting. Why not make a game out of it? promise yourself each day to try one new type of ethnic food, or see a movie from a different country, or check out one new part of town. travel is a terrific personal development tool. It’s about experiencing new things and trying something different. Doing it home still captures that essence.

To keep yourself engaged and on track, share your experiences on social media. Make a video of yourself trying the new foods or exploring your town. get your pals and family involved by taking ideas from them. The more postive and engaged you can make your experiences, the more likely it is that you’ll stick with it and enjoy it.

5. Don’t stay in your house – In order to break your routine, be sure to find another place to stay. staying at home wOlen vain joutunut vanhoihin rutiineihin, mikä ei ole mitä haluamme tehdä! Yritämme päästä ulos ja omaksua jotain uutta ja hyödyntää vapaa -aikaa. Ohita Netflix ja nouse talostasi. Löydä paikallinen Airbnb tai jopa hostelli. Tee jotain tavallisesta. Se auttaa sinua saamaan uuden näkökulman ja saamaan matkasi tuntemaan paljon aitoja ja virkistävämpää.

Jos aiot olla poissa muutaman päivän, harkitse talosi tai asunnon asettamista vuokrattavana Airbnb: llä. Tällä tavoin voit ansaita vähän rahaa puolella rahoittaaksesi matkasi samalla kun pakotat itsesi pääsemään ulos talosta ja uuteen seikkailuun!

Matka on enemmän kuin siirtyminen paikasta toiseen. Kyse on erilaisten aktiviteettien tekemisestä normaalin mukavuusvyöhykkeen ulkopuolella. Joten jos aiot todella jäädä kotiin, siirry henkiseltä mukavuusalueeltasi ja matkusta uusiin ideoihin. Se on parempi kuin istua sohvalla viikon ajan ja katsella ”American Idolia”. Vältä vain tyypillistä ”oleskelu”.

Kuinka matkustaa maailmaa 50 dollaria päivässä

New York Timesin myydyin paperi-oppaani World Travelille opettaa sinulle hallita matkataidetta, jotta pääset lyötyltä polulta, säästät rahaa ja sinulla on syvempi matkakokemus. BBC kutsui A -Z -suunnitteluoppaan, jota BBC kutsui “Budjettimatkailijoiden Raamatuksi”.

Napsauta tätä saadaksesi lisätietoja ja aloittaaksesi sen lukemisen tänään!

Varaa matkasi: logistiset vinkit ja temppuja
Varaa lentosi
Löydä edullinen lento SkysCannerilla. Se on suosikkini hakukone, koska se etsii verkkosivustoja ja lentoyhtiöitä ympäri maailmaa, joten tiedät aina, ettei kivi jätetä kääntämättä.

Varaa majoitus
Voit varata hostellisi Hostelworldin kanssa. Jos haluat pysyä muualla kuin hostellissa, käytä Booking.com -sivustoa, koska ne palauttavat jatkuvasti halvimmat hinnat majataloihin ja hotelleihin.

Älä unohda matkavakuutusta
Matkavakuutus suojaa sinua sairauksilta, vammoilta, varkauksista ja peruutuksilta. Se on kattava suoja, jos kaikki menee pieleen. En koskaan mene matkalle ilman sitä, koska minun on joutunut käyttämään sitä monta kertaa aiemmin. Suosikkiyritykset, jotka tarjoavat parhaan palvelun ja arvon, ovat:

SafetyWing (paras kaikille)

Vakuuta matkani (yli 70) niille

MedJet (lisäevyntämistä varten)

Oletko valmis varaamaan matkasi?
Tutustu resurssisivulleni parhaat yritykset, joita käytetään matkustaessasi. Luettelen kaikki käyttämäni matkustaessani. Ne ovat luokan parhaita, etkä voi mennä pieleen käyttämällä niitä matkallasi.

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